Marketing and brand strategy for Mainer

Marketing and brand strategy for Mainer

Industry: Property

Services delivered: Website development | Project management | Copywriting |Marketing audit | Marketing strategy | Brand narrative | Visual identity and brand guidelines | Copywriting

Mainer Associates is a consultancy with a team of experts who assess and improve the sustainability of the built environment. With an ambitious goal to double the size of their business within three years, they recognised the need for a comprehensive marketing strategy to support their growth aspirations.

Sustainable solutions that reshape the built environment

As a sustainability consultancy focusing on the built environment, they work closely with businesses and organisations to develop and implement strategies for sustainable operations. Key services include:

  • Carbon management, decarbonisation and retrofit

  • Life Cycle Assessment

  • BREEAM Assessment


  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

  • Building Physics

  • Scope 3 Emissions

  • ESG

They work with clients across a range of sectors from commercial property development, retail and leisure, public sector, education, healthcare and residential.

Why Mainer chose to work with me

β€œAs a specialised sustainability consultancy with ambitions to grow, we needed a marketing strategy aligned with our targets. Emma demonstrated a deep understanding of our business and our clients from the outset. She took a meticulous approach, leaving no stone unturned. With this dedication and expertise, she delivered a bespoke marketing strategy tailored to our unique needs and designed to support our business development.”

Giulia Dawson, Operations Director

A strategic approach to achieve growth

To drive their growth and positioning in the market, Mainer was seeking the expertise of a marketing consultant who could provide fresh ideas and an independent viewpoint. With their own in-house marketing capabilities, they wanted the opportunity to collaborate to help them challenge assumptions and propel their marketing efforts forward.

Laying the foundations: Understanding the business inside out

The first step in creating Mainer’s marketing strategy was conducting a thorough marketing audit of the business. This allowed us to gain a deep understanding of their current marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement. The audit encompassed critical areas such as marketing tactics, branding, website optimisation, competitor analysis, social media activity, email campaigns, content marketing, business objectives, sales targets, SWOT analysis, and target audiences.

Guided by this insightful audit, our marketing strategy took shape. It included key work streams to be implemented alongside their ongoing marketing activities, all aimed at driving their sales targets. Also delivered were recommendations for a proposed budget and measurable metrics to gauge the success of the marketing initiatives.


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Developing a strong brand identity

From the audit, it became clear that developing Mainer’s brand identity was a key work stream. While they already had a strong logo and core colour palette, it needed support from comprehensive brand guidelines. Collaborating with Mainer's brand agency, I helped guide them in creating a visual identity that gave them scope to create content that captured the brand essence. This involved guidelines for cohesive creative approaches, including logo variations, colour palette expansion, image guidance, and the creation of new email and PowerPoint templates.


Moreover, the brand development process extended to crafting a compelling brand narrative for Mainer. This encompassed a descriptor, purpose, mission statement, company values, and key messages. Equipped with this framework, they now have the tools to consistently communicate their brand story, creating a meaningful connection with their target audience.

β€œWe recognise the importance of strategic marketing in achieving our growth targets. Through our collaboration with Emma, we have obtained a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with our goals and a strong brand identity that resonates with our target audience.”

Giulia Dawson, Operations Director

Delivering Results: Empowering Growth

With the marketing strategy in place and brand solidified, Mainer has the tools necessary to implement their marketing plan effectively. They received templates covering marketing activity plans, personas, social media posts, budgets, and metrics to measure return on investment. These resources empowered their in-house marketing team to drive their business growth forward and successfully deliver key projects, supported by ongoing marketing efforts.

Need help with your brand?


